Natural Ingredients for Focused Healing
Our herbal remedies are only as good as the raw ingredients. Five Elements Remedies employs a stringent selection process for our partners—from herb farming, sourcing, and processing to packaging and distribution—to ensure pure and potent liquid tinctures you can trust. Our expert herbal blends are guaranteed to be fresh, safe, and compliant with organic production standards.

Our Ingredients
At Five Elements Remedies, each ingredient is carefully selected—prioritizing herbs that will complement other ingredients to create a potent and synergistic formula. Unlike single herb extraction, our tinctures are made from a mix of nature’s best that when blended together result in highly effective herbal remedies.
- Abalone shell (Haliotidis concha)
- Anemarrhena rhizome
- Angelica root (Angelicae Pubescentis)
- Apricot seed (Armeniacae)
- Arnebia root
- Aucklandia root
- Biota seed (Platycladi)
- Buddha's Hand fruit (Citri Sarcodactylis)
- Bugleweed (Lycopi herba)
- Bushy knotweed rhizome (Polygoni cuspidati)
- Caltrop fruit (Tribuli)
- Cassia seeds
- Celosia seeds
- Chastetree fruit (Viticis)
- Chinese Angelica root (Angelica sinensis)
- Chinese Clematis root (Clematidis)
- Chinese dodder seeds (Cuscutae)
- Chinese Motherwort (Leonuri herba)
- Chinese raspberry fruit (Rubus)
- Chinese yam (Dioscorea rhizoma)
- Chrysanthemum flower
- Cicada moulting
- Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomi)
- Cinnamon Twig (Cinnamomi)
- Cnidium (Chuanxiong rhizoma)
- Codonopsis root
- Coptis rhizome (Coptidis)
- Cornus fruit
- Corydalis rhizome
- Curcuma rhizome
- Cuscuta seeds
- Cyathula root
- Cyperus rhizome
- Dictamnus root bark
- Dioscoreae rhizome
- Dipsaci root
- Dogwood fruit (Corni)
- Eucommia bark
- Fleeceflower caulis (Polgonum multiflorum)
- Forsythia fruit
- Fresh ginger rhizome (Zingiberis recens)
- Gambir (Uncariae ramulus cum uncis)
- Gastrodia rhizome
- Gentiana macrophylla root
- Gleditisia thorn
- Grassleaf sweetflag rhizome (Acori Tatarinowii)
- Ground pine (Lycopodium herba)
- Gypsum (Gypsum fibrosum)
- Hematite (Haematitum)
- Hemp seed (Cannabis sativa)
- Honey baked licorice root (Glycyrrhiza)
- Honeysuckle flower (Lonicera)
- Horny Goat Weed Leaf (Epimedii herba)
- Immature Bitter Orange (Aurantii fructus)
- Isatis leaf
- Isatis root
- Jujube fruit
- Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza)
- Lily bulb (Lilii)
- Longan (Longan arillus)
- Lophatheri stem & leaves
- Lycium bark
- Lycium fruit
- Magnolia bark (Magnoliae officinalis)
- Medicated leaven (Massa medicata fermentata)
- Morinda root (Morindae officinalis)
- Mosla herb
- Notoginseng root
- Ophiopogon tuber
- Peach kernel (Persicae semen)
- Pearl shell (Concha margaritifera usta)
- Peony root baked (Paeonia alba preparata)
- Perilla leaf
- Phellodendrum bark
- Plantago seed
- Platycodon root
- Polygala root
- Poria (Poria cocos sclerotium)
- Poria root (Poria sclerotium paradicis)
- Red Peony root (Paeoniae Rubra)
- Rhemannia root
- Rhizome (Rhei)
- Rhubarb root
- Salvia root (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
- Saposhnikovia root
- Sappan wood
- Schisandra fruit
- Scrophularia root
- Scutellaria root
- Silktree bark (Albizia)
- Silktree flowers (Albizia)
- Sophora flavescentis root
- Spatholobus root & vine
- Stellaria root
- Stemona root
- Sweet wormwood (Artemisiae annuae herba)
- Sweetflag rhizome (Acori gramenei)
- Thorowax root (Bupleuri)
- Trichosanthes seed
- Tumeric rhizome (Curcumae longae)
- Turtle shell gelatin (Testudinis colla carapacis et plastrum)
- Viola herb
- Water plantain rhizome (Alismatis)
- Wild chrysanthemum flower (Chrysanthemi Indici)
- Zizyphus (Zizyphi spinosa semen)
Our Process
Our Founder holds a decade of clinical experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine practice which serves as our framework for product quality control, supplier management, logistical support, and patient care. We are meticulous with screening our suppliers, manufacturers, and partner farms to make sure we work with producers of high-grade materials who share the same values.

Step 1
Select & Test
We identify the herbs and extracts that will best treat the disharmony within the body and spirit. Once selected, our partner suppliers will test each batch of herbs for production to make sure they meet our quality standards.
Step 2
Extract & Process
We carefully infuse hand-selected herbs into gluten-free grain alcohol (16-25% ABV) and spring water, maintaining a controlled room temperature that never exceeds 77°F. The botanical infusions steep for up to 30 days before being meticulously strained and bottled.

Step 3
Examine & Package
Each batch of tinctures is subjected to a thorough process to ensure the taste, consistency, and formula function are all perfect. Our retained sampling and batch testing procedures guarantee each bottle contains the correct blend of herbal extracts. To maintain the integrity of our formula and protect the herbal extracts from light-related degradation, we store our products in UV-filtering glass bottles and airtight dropper caps.
Testing Our Herbs
Herbal medicines act as the fuel for the body to naturally achieve and maintain its balanced qi. Five Elements Remedies conducts multiple tests and quality control methods to ensure the purity of our products at every stage of the manufacturing process.
Beginning with the raw materials, we use modern techniques to correctly identify the ingredients and conduct tests for pesticides, heavy metals, and microbial content. The concentrates of individual herbs are also subjected to lab analyses to confirm the success of the extraction process. This extra step allows us to monitor what goes in each bottle and guarantee that each product contains accurate doses of our powerful ingredients.
Our patients’ health journey is important to us. Guided by TCM theory, Five Elements Remedies is dedicated to providing patients with reliable proprietary blends of extracted herbs that are potent and powerful in treating a wide range of common health conditions.
Our Product Line
Our herbal remedies are expertly formulated to address common ailments in both adults and children. Made with premium ingredients, each product is prepared in a carefully maintained, FDA-registered facility and packaged in durable, UV-protective glass bottles to preserve potency from production to delivery. Designed to target specific imbalances in key energy systems, our formulas support your recovery and promote overall wellness.